We could propose to EACHOTHER! A total movie moment!
I'd put the ring in his stocking and when he pulls it out, before he opens it, he would tell me to search around in my own stocking and then I find a ring box too. Then neither of us would actually have to ask - it would be like one of those times when you realize how connected you are. aww. oh and then I would burst into tears! yay
We have a strange joke about when kids would pass eachother notes that say "will you go out with me" and they have check boxes for yes and no (dont ask why that is a joke, it just is!). So if the dual proposal doesnt happen, I could fold up a peice of paper and put it in the ring box - "will you marry me?" and have a check box for yes and no! He would get a major kick out of that!
Oh god what is happening to me!?!? Someone slap me!
(thank goodness he doesnt read this board!)