I think he's very funny. Personal judgements aside (and if you're amused by potty humour).
I think he's funny too, Hollyberry.
I had to listen to the bit to see what all of the hooha is about, and honestly I just don't get it. Bits of it were downright hilarious,(the song, OMG!) most of it was ho hum and the whole thing wasn't much more OTT than you would expect from a combination of Brand and Ross. I mean, they're going to get carried away like a couple of big kids, right?
Like I said earlier, the "poor grandfather" in question was played the tape for approval pior to airing it and didn't raise any objections, so what is the witch hunt all about?
I just can't believe how out of proportion the whole thing has gotten, even to the stage of depriving me of my Friday night entertainment!