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Topic: Calling all Indie-rock lovers!  (Read 1621 times)

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Calling all Indie-rock lovers!
« on: October 31, 2008, 02:13:46 PM »

I'm suprised to know that many people haven't even heard of such a great band called Mesh-29. These guys are an unsigned local band and have one single which reached number 35 in the charts last year.

They have since released one more single called "white light" and is by far the best song from their new album "secret traffic".

    << This is white light, the offical music video.

    << This song is called "Waiting for the day" and I find it such a pleasure to listen to.

  << This one is called "close my eyes"

Please check these guys out, they are a great band and I can never stop listening to them. Check their webby out: www.mesh29.com
They also have facebook and myspace pages out with cool music streaming so get listening and joining!!
Future RAF Pilot!

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