I'm sure this topic has been touched on many times before...BUT...here goes...
What are some of your favorite British/American slangs or sayings? Not the common things like "bird" or "love" or "bloke"...but the things that kinda stick out in your mind as interesting, unusual, or just fun. Please include what it actually means for us daft people who may not know.
I'll start...these are some of the things my hubby and my Brit friends say (this could be general "British sayings" or it could just be "native" to the area we live in - local slang):
"It's a good job"...which Americans usually say "It's a good thing."
Ex: "It's a good job your daughter wasn't at the pub because things got rowdy."
"What are ya like?"...basically meaning "I can't believe you're so stupid."
Ex: "I wasn't paying attention to where I was going and I ran right into the wall"
Friend: "What ya like? HAHAHA!"
To bring it back old school, Americans might have said "What a dork!"
I've also noticed a lot of my Brit friends say "Are you ok?", meaning "How are you?". Whereas in America, "Are you ok?" is usually said out of concern when you think something is wrong with someone.
"Going out on the piss"...meaning "Going to get drunk" (I have heard 100 different words for drunk in the UK! Wonder why?)
"Taking the piss"...meaning "picking on someone"
Ex: "We were taking the piss with Dave because his mum brought his lunch to work."
Also noticed that most Brits tend to say "two seconds" whereas Americans tend to say "one minute"...when asking someone to hold on.
I've also noticed that (with my personal friends), Brits seem to use less words to say the same things...I guess this kinda feeds into that stereotype that "Americans love to talk just to hear their own voices." So if I were to say a sentence, it might come out like this, "Honey can you hang on a minute? The dog is scratching at the door and I think he needs to go outside so he can use the bathroom." My hubby might say something like this, "Two seconds...dog needs out."