It's Secret Santa time again! The way it works is that I'll gather all the names and addresses of those who want to participate. Then I'll randomly select names to determine who's giving to whom, and PM each of you back with the name of the person you'll be buying a present for.
In previous years, I've tried to match UK people with other UK people, and US people with other US people to keep postage costs down. However, that's a bit restricting. So when you PM me your name and address, will you also specify whether it's OK for you to send a gift outside your own country? We'll keep the price limit the same as it was in previous years - £10 or $15.
If you're stumped for gift ideas, a quick browse around the boards and some 'virtual stalking' should give you some hints as to your person's likes and dislikes.
If you want to participate, all you have to do is PM me your name and address and whether or not you'll ship overseas. The deadline for joining in is the end of the day on Monday 1 December. I'll do the matching and get names out on Wednesday 3 December, which should give people just about enough time for shopping and posting. (Sorry - I was a bit later than usual in getting the exchange together this year!
Remember, it's more fun if it's a surprise! And PLEASE make sure your gift gets to its destination before 25 December.
(Last year we had a few problems with people agreeing to participate, but then not posting their gifts due to financial constraints - so please don't sign up if you're not
completely sure you'll be able to follow through. It's not much fun when someone is expecting a gift and doesn't get one!)