Oh bah. I can't seem to find anything dated before the first week of August. I know I wasn't thinking straight at the time, but I want to go back and smack myself.
I've asked my advisor for a letter confirming that I moved in with my boyfriend when I said I did, so fingers crossed that he'll do it! (I'm sure he would, but he's astonishingly forgetful--so I'll have to prod him). I just hope the Home Office would accept that as evidence!
I've been turning over various scenarios in my head--usually when I'm supposed to be sleeping--and I'm wondernig if the best course of action would be to have him come over for a month, and then for me to go over for a few months, since it says time spent living together on a visitor's visa counts toward the UP requirement. Obviously I'd still have to apply from the US, so it'll be expensive, but it might give us more leeway with time.