You are a US citizen, resident but not domiciled in the UK. Your husband is a US citizen.
Just to clarify, I am a US citizen - my husband is a UK citizen. Although I think that is what you meant.
However you would be subject to US tax on gains on sellling the new home & foreign currency gains on repaying a Sterling mortgage. For this reason it is usually advised that the non-American spouse owns all or most foreign (ie UK) real estate.
Apologies, but I do not understand. Are you saying that ANY real estate that my husband and I purchase together and then subsequently sell (that may result in a gain) will be subject to tax in both the UK & US? Could you point me in the direction of any good resources to read up on this before we start househunting? I'd really like be prepared for this.
I was just doing some research about the terminology of 'resident' vs 'domicile' and found this bit of information:
In general, anyone who is resident in Britain but not domiciled here only pays income tax and capital-gains tax on income and gains generated overseas if they remit the income and gains back to Britain. However, under new legislation this changes after seven years of residence. Then a "non dom" can choose either to pay taxes in the same way as those domiciled in the UK, or to pay an annual fee of £30,000 to the British government to avoid doing so.
Will that change what you've explained above?
For these reasons it is sensible to structure the purchase in the way that will produce the best result in the long-term. Your parents gift is a part of that planning.
Sorry for all the questions, but this is our first venture into housebuying and will start us on the path for our future. I don't want to mess it up!