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Topic: What do they call that (food) in the UK?  (Read 45661 times)

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What do they call that (food) in the UK?
« on: December 14, 2008, 12:22:09 AM »
Hope this will help some others out there  ;)

Feel free to add to it if you find something I'm missing.

Skim MilkSkimmed Milk (Red Top)
2%  MilkSemi Skimmed Milk (Green Top)
Whole MilkWhole Milk (Blue Top)
BaconStreaky Bacon
Baked PotatoJacket Potato
Baking SodaBicarbonate of Soda
Basic Pie DoughShortcrust dough
Beef StockBrown Stock
Bell PepperCapsicum
Cafe au LaitWhite coffee
Captain CrunchGorilla Munch
Cole slaw dressingSalad cream
Confectioners SugarIcing Sugar
Corned BeefBully Beef
Cotton CandyCandy Floss
Cream CheeseSoft Cheese
Cup CakeFairy Cake
English MuffinsWhite Muffins
French Fried OnionsOnion Salad Crispies
French FriesChips
Ginger SnapGinger nut
GingerbreadTreacle Sponge
Golden RaisinSultana
Ground BeefMinced Beef
Heavy CreamDouble Cream
Hot DogsFrankfurters
Jelly or PreservesJam
Kettle CornSweet popcorn
Lamb ChopChump Chop
LemonadeLemon Juice
Light CreamSingle Cream
Lima BeansBroad Beans
Mashed potatoesMash or Mashers
Raw Brown SugarDemara
Romaine LettuceCos Lettuce
SaltinesDoriano Italian Crackers
ScallionSpring Onion
Shortening (Crisco)Cookeen, Trex or White Flora
Slivered AlmondsFlaked Almonds
String BeanFrench or Runner Bean
Superfine SugarCaster Sugar
Sweet ButterUnsalted Butter
Tater TotsPotato Croquettes
Tenderloin SteakFilet steak
Vanilla BeanVanilla Pod
Whipped CreamSquirty Cream
« Last Edit: December 14, 2008, 01:23:10 AM by purpledaffodil »

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Re: What do they call that (food) in the UK?
« Reply #1 on: December 14, 2008, 01:51:14 AM »
Wow, there were quite few I didn't know, but I copied and pasted this list into my online journal. Thanks!

Re: What do they call that (food) in the UK?
« Reply #2 on: December 14, 2008, 07:43:58 AM »
I've never heard of that one.
I've lived in Scotland most of my adult life and they've always been called clams!

oh btw, if anyone in Glasgow is looking for saltines, i saw them in the Chinese market up at Dobbie's Loan.
« Last Edit: December 14, 2008, 07:48:09 AM by Quarter-Gill »

Re: What do they call that (food) in the UK?
« Reply #3 on: December 14, 2008, 07:59:02 AM »
I think Whipped Creamd is calle Whipped Cream. And custard is custard.  Pudding doesn't really have a name.  I've never heard it called anything else.  Good list though.

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Re: What do they call that (food) in the UK?
« Reply #4 on: December 14, 2008, 08:16:44 AM »
Corned beef is corned beef.
Gingerbread is gingerbread.

Americans say both hot dogs and frankfurters. I have only heard hot dog used in the UK.

Saltines and Tater Tots are brand names. I have never heard them used generically, but only for that particular brand with the word on the label. The term potato croquettes is used in America.

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Re: What do they call that (food) in the UK?
« Reply #5 on: December 14, 2008, 08:18:07 AM »
I'm British but I've never actually heard of some of the British versions of food you have here - are you sure they are all regularly used in the UK?

I haven't heard of 'brown' stock, 'bully' beef or 'chump' chop - they are just beef stock, corned beef (the stuff in the cans/at the meat counter) and lamb chop as far as I know - and I have no idea what Gorilla Munch or Donax are. I would say that clams and crayfish are just clams and crayfish in the UK... I don't know of them being called anything else, although I don't eat seafood, so I can't say for sure. I don't think there is an equivalent to Salad Cream in the US - at least, I don't know of anything that's the same (my aunt has lived there for 30 years and still imports Salad Cream from the UK because she can't get it there).

Although I guess pudding is kind of like custard, I don't really think of 'custard' when I see those puddings in the US - for me, custard is always a hot, creamy sauce that you put on apple pie or apple crumble :).

As far as I'm aware, Sprite is Sprite everywhere - UK or US. Sprite is lemon-lime flavour drink, but UK lemonade is just lemon flavour, no lime. If you want Sprite in the UK, you ask for/buy Sprite. However, if you want UK lemonade in the US, the closest thing you'll find is Sprite, but it's not quite the same.

Gingerbread is gingerbread cake in the UK - treacle sponge has no ginger in it, just sponge cake and treacle. You can buy a gingerbread cake made by Tate and Lyle which is ginger-flavoured :).

Re: What do they call that (food) in the UK?
« Reply #6 on: December 14, 2008, 08:20:11 AM »

As far as I'm aware, Sprite is Sprite everywhere - UK or US. Sprite is lemon-lime flavour drink, but UK lemonade is just lemon flavour, no lime. If you want Sprite in the UK, you ask for/buy Sprite. However, if you want UK lemonade in the US, the closest thing you'll find is Sprite, but it's not quite the same.

People do ask for lemonade when they mean Sprite or 7up.  I get that a lot at work.

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Re: What do they call that (food) in the UK?
« Reply #7 on: December 14, 2008, 08:22:52 AM »
People do ask for lemonade when they mean Sprite or 7up.  I get that a lot at work.

That is my experience as well.

I haven't found any difference between US custard and UK custard.

Custard and pudding are different things in the US.

I'm assuming Gorilla Munch is a brand name for a breakfast cereal.

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Re: What do they call that (food) in the UK?
« Reply #8 on: December 14, 2008, 10:43:37 AM »
There's a similar list in the Just Do It section here. Maybe your post could be combined with that one?
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Re: What do they call that (food) in the UK?
« Reply #9 on: December 14, 2008, 11:35:26 AM »
I have only seen crawfish called crawfish here..

thought a langoustine was a very large shrimp???

AHH just Wikipedia'd it

The Norway lobster, Nephrops norvegicus, (also called Dublin Bay prawn, langoustine or scampo), is a slim, orange-pink lobster

interesting list..some I haven't ever heard of before....maybe some of them are regional??

Re: What do they call that (food) in the UK?
« Reply #10 on: December 14, 2008, 11:50:39 AM »
Isn't Corned Beef called Salt Beef? Also, I don't think ginger nuts are gingersnaps. Ginger nuts are just ginger biscuits.

I don't think whole-meal and whole-wheat are the same.

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Re: What do they call that (food) in the UK?
« Reply #11 on: December 14, 2008, 12:00:05 PM »
Beef stock = beef stock
Bell pepper = bell pepper, or just pepper.
Clams = clams
Corned beef = corned beef
Crayfish = crayfish
English muffins   = sometimes called white muffins, other times called "oven-bottom muffins"
Gingerbread = gingerbread
Hot dogs = hot dogs, or "American hot dogs"
Lamb chop = lamb chop
Lemonade = cloudy lemonade (or, at Sainsbury's, "Sicilian lemonade")
Lima beans = no UK equivalent.  Broad beans are NOT the same!
Pudding   = not custard
Saltines = a US brand name.  For nausea, cream crackers are the closest equivalent I've found.
Shrimp = JUMBO KING GIGUNDO prawns, if you're trying to find medium-sized 26-30 shrimp. :P
Sprite = Sprite
String bean = dwarf beans.  Runner beans are something entirely different.  I prefer "stringless" beans, which are essentially pole beans.
Sweet butter = Unsalted butter (but it's called the same thing in the US!)
Tater Tots = a US brand name.
Tenderloin steak = tenderloin steak, or "fillet" steak
Whipped cream = whipped cream, if referring to ready-made cream in an aerosol can, or "whipping cream" if referring to the cream itself, in a pot.

Many of the "UK" names on your list are regional variations, not UK equivalents.  I'm sure SOMEONE in the UK calls aerosol whipped cream "squirty cream", for example, but it's sold in the stores as "whipped cream."
« Last Edit: December 14, 2008, 12:02:21 PM by Meg »

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Re: What do they call that (food) in the UK?
« Reply #12 on: December 14, 2008, 12:05:50 PM »
My husband calls it squirty cream.

Also, I don't think Lemonade is called lemon juice.   I mean, lemon juice is just lemon juice. 

Re: What do they call that (food) in the UK?
« Reply #13 on: December 14, 2008, 12:30:09 PM »
Many of the "UK" names on your list are regional variations, not UK equivalents. 

Agreed! There are some on there that I've never heard of!

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Re: What do they call that (food) in the UK?
« Reply #14 on: December 14, 2008, 12:41:00 PM »
My husband calls it squirty cream.

Also, I don't think Lemonade is called lemon juice.   I mean, lemon juice is just lemon juice. 

I think Squirty Cream might be a brand name as well - at least that's what it said on the can when I bought some at Tesco.
UK resident since 2005, UK citizen as of 2010 due to female British parent.

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