Sure. Don't really see a problem with it.
Before I had children, when I was married to ex H, we went on holidays without each other. I came to the UK twice without him, once on my own to see a friend and another time with my mother for 3 weeks, went with my best friend to Vegas, San Francisco, NYC (shopping wasn't high on his list of fun things to travel for).
He liked to climb differently from me, so he went on trips with other climbing partners and even did long expeditions whilst I stayed home.
My parents have been very happily married for over 44 years and holiday with others as much as each other. He goes on golfing trips or trips with other Knights of Columbus people and my mother goes with long-time friends or her sister or one of her kids. They have lots of shared interests and lots of different interests as well - my mom's not much of a golf fan.

My dad's been on several cattle drives with friends, too, and again, not my mom's cup of tea.