Hehe! I love David Tennant, too! How could I have forgotten him? Bit goofy, but that's ok. I prefer that to the beefstock look! And, ma, he's a *doctor*!
What in the world is a beefstock look?
David Tenant seems like a nice enough person, but I hate
Dr. Who and I have no time for skinny men, so he does nothing for me.
As for SJP, that's not news. Her nickname is My Little Pony for a reason.
Angelina? I wouldn't turn her down!
Colin Firth? Not fem to me, but a bit dull.
Jude Law? Ugly.
Tom Cruise? He's all lopsided teeth, gigantic nose and pure crazy. Vile looking. Plus he's short, which is pretty unforgiveable.
Having said all that, the title of this thread is pretty ridiculous, to be honest. Was it really meant seriously??