As you all probably know, I have been dying to adopt a kitty and finally get to home one in a month's time when we move into our new place. I have read up on the websites and they do home visits, etc., to help place the animals. Is this a pretty complicated process? I am a bit concerned that they would have issue with me adopting a cat because we have a dog, but the dog is very sweet and wouldn't hurt a fly. I expect a little jealousy, but I don't think there will be any problems, so long as I get a kitten who can grow up to live with the dog, as an older cat who hasn't been around dogs usually doesn't adjust as well when forced to live with one. Also, I plan to keep the cat inside forever and always, is this a problem over here? There wouldn't be anywhere for the kitty to go if it went outside, it would only get into trouble, and we only have a patio type thing, without any grass. I am looking into a few local rescues affiliated with Cats Protection, but also looking at the shelters in Newcastle. Where did you get your kitty? (Also, feeling a bit of guilt that I don't want to adopt an adult cat, I would be more open to that if it weren't for the dog.)
Thanks for any advice!