The Teacup is no secret...
a senior member of staff has confirmed it on record in a public forum. No more rumours, no more leaked internal documents. It's happening.
...see here... it says there, David Millard, manager of the Circle and Hammersmith & City Lines, told
Modern Railways magazine about it in June.

The split of the Northern Line is explicitly included in TfL's transport vision for 2025.
(PDF document) questioned by a Camden councillor, TfL said:
"Camden Tube Station cannot cope with being a major interchange as it would need major remodelling. [...] Regarding segregation, no decision has been made and there is no funding in the current investment programme."
But the current investment programme only covers spending until 2010, and they're on their way to getting planning permission for the remodelling of Camden Town.
Even now, the line is effectively split at Kennington and Mill Hill East, and on 29 Jan 2008 they instituted a split at Camden Town in the morning peak, though northbound only to get some of the benefits of segregation without sending too many commuters through the station's passageways. During the morning peak, all northbound trains from each central branch go to the same northern branch now.
In operational terms, it means all northbound trains have a straight run into the platforms at Camden rather than having to sometimes wait for a train arriving from the other central branch.
I cribbed a lot of the above from the excellent page at