Does anybody know if we (meaning those of us on FLR/FLE) can be eligible for the Sure Start Maternity Grant? My understanding is that this is for low-income families so some of us might not qualify to begin with but I was just wondering if anybody knew if we were eligible from an immigration standpoint. This is a £500 grant.
Also do all the pregnant people know about the Family Allowance and Child Tax Credits you (or your spouse) can claim after the baby is born? Not sure if those topics have been previously discussed on the forum in any detail.
For Sure Start you or the partner/husband needs to be in receipt of Income Support, income-based JSA, income-based ESA (formerly Incapacity Benefit), Working Tax Credit with a disability or severe disability element, Child Tax Credit at a rate higher than the family element (such as awarded in conjunction with this on IS, JSA or ESA) or Pension Credit.
So, very very low income.
Tax credits the UK spouse applies for these and the award is based on his/her income as a whole, for both the child and working tax credits. It's one form.
There is no longer any such thing as Family Allowance.
The Health in Pregnancy Grant is subject to immigration standards.