Hi, all --
Well I keep hitting brick walls here in the UK and am thinking more and more about applying to get into Canada or going back to the US. It's not 100% sure, but after three huge setbacks here in the UK and with Obama's call to service, it's increasingly tempting.
Problem is, friends and family are scattered all over, and no place feels like home. My grandparents and folks have all passed away, so there's no obvious choice.
I've loved the compactness of the UK, and thought of moving to a sprawling area where one always has to drive miles and miles to get anywhere isn't very appealing.
I've also really enjoyed the strong sense of community here in the UK, and the everyday kindness of people.
I love mountains and forests -- cities over a million are too much.
California was beautiful, but it's very expensive, and though it wasn't hard making friends, many friendships proved in the end superficial.
The Pacific Northwest (Seattle or Portland)? Minneapolis? Really open to suggestions...