Apologies if this topic has been handled in this forum before - I've looked for it but haven't been able to find it.
I'm being advised by my UK accountant that I'd be foolish not to set up an LTD here (what we'd call an LLC in the US from what I understand). I could have saved thousands of pounds on this year's tax bill.
I thought I'd read a year ago when I considered this that forming a company would have bad ramifications on my US taxes.
Does anyone know if this is true? If there aren't any implications for my US taxes then I'm anxious to get this LTD set up ...!
-- Useful background info --
I am:
a US citizen living in the UK since May 2006
on a spousal visa with right to live and work (my wife's Italian)
a self-employed video director
current on my taxes in the UK, but they're pretty high
Any advice will be greatly appreciated --