Some people are under the delusion that in posting on this website that they are entitled to freedom speech and can post whatever rude or offensive comments they wish. I'd like to set everyone straight on this freedom of speech nonsense, those who aren't grasping a full understanding of their actual right.
"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances."
The First Amendment protects individuals only from
government curtailments of speech. Private entities are not subject to constitutional free speech guarantees. A forum is not a nation-state, and the members are not "citizens", so the concept of "free speech" is null in the context of a forum. This is not a government funded site therefore the first Amendment does not apply. See,
Posting (on a website owned and paid for by another individual) is a priveledge, not your right. There are rules, and you agreed to them when you created an account. If you don't agree, if you don't like the rules, if you don't agree to have your comments moderated,
click the logout button and don't use this site.
moderated website exists for the purpose of providing expat advice/support and discussion of other topics in a civilised manner. This is private property belonging to myself and I set the rules as I please. Deal with it or move on.
You are free to express your opinions and observations as long as you do so in a way that complies with the rules. However, this freedom does not include the right to insult, belittle, deride or offend other members or moderators. It takes the fun out of reading, posting, and learning here. I wouldn't allow insults, abuse, etc in my own home and I'm not going to tolerate it on my forums either.
Those who continue to violate the rules that they agreed to when joining, regardless of whether they bothered to read them or not, and despite being warned repeatedly, risk being banned without further warning. This includes posts complaining of censorship, moderation and rights complaints.
If you choose not to follow the guidelines agreed to during registration, the result is a disabling of your account. If you don't care, neither do I.