From a 'wishful' thinking viewpoint - I see what you are 'trying' to say. Cutting back where possible the use of cars should be promoted. Alas, practically and in most everyday situations it simply doesn't work like that. With the complexity of modern life in the Western countries, time is squeezed, distances can be longer (shorter!) and overall, convenience is a major factor. I wish there was some form of public transportation that was
1. Efficient
2. Safe
3. Readily available/frequent/convenient
4. Clean
5. Cheap
For the 'most' part, most of those elements are severely lacking - hence I choose to have a car - it significantly boosts all those elements to a level far greater than current public transport for me and for a very large percentage of the population here and in the US.
You simply cannot stop an 'industry' - who's going to pay for those workers to retrain from an auto industry worker to a healthcare worker for instance? what will you do with the buildings that are left over? what's your plan for the hundreds if not thousands of small business's that rely on the automobile industry as suppliers and sometimes customers? what's your plan on how to dispose of current owners automobiles? how are you going to compensate those (lucky) owners of classic and high value cars?
One of the best and biggest advancements for the automotive industry will be alternative fuels which pollute much less. Velomobiles are simply never going to work, single seated human powered vehicles? sorry - no market for them except for novelty. I don't want to pedal my way for a 30 mile commute in the morning and evening!
Wind, Solar, Wave motion energy generation are all viable 'supplemental' forms of energy production, however currently, they cannot provide the demand created by cities and at the state/region level - they simply cannot provide that capacity as yet.
so that basically leaves us as we are now, albeit with the major car manufacturers developing cleaner, greener forms of fuel. Hydrogen is becoming more widely available and provides enough energy release to keep cars at current and forthcoming expected performance levels, and it's only 'waste' product is water! collect that, and use it in your iron at home or watering your plants for instance!
Another reason for the US to have so many cars - is that the USA is an extremely vast sized land mass, with the (historic) greater amounts of disposable income per capita in the US, many families/individuals have the necessity for a car, jobs are now no longer for life, suddenly you may find a better paying job 25 miles away whereas previously you had a 4 mile commute, it's not so 'easy' to move house each time, then consider an inter state move which happens very commonly nowadays.
Cars will always be necessary. It's also very easy for us in the West to say lets do away with them, after all we've been enjoying them on a mass level since the 1930's. The booming BRIC nations are now finding it's THEIR turn to enjoy convenience we've taken for granted. And that's really only occured for them within the last decade or so - so let them enjoy another 80 odd years of cheap, convenient, personal transportation !
As for 'jest' - it's difficult over a web forum to decipher if you are 'joking' or taking a 'light hearted approach' - if you are, please indicate you are!
If I tell you how many cars I have access to, you'll blame me for the congestion in my town! haha!
Cheers! DtM! West London & Slough UK!