You're not a practicing Christian though, right?
I count myself as a Christian, yes.
If you know of any radical Muslims doing this, Paul, then there is redress under the law. No-one says that incitement is freedom of speech.
Have you forgotten the marches through London just a short while ago? Hundreds of Muslims were parading around with placards saying "Behead those who insult Islam" and chanting "Death to the infidels" etc. yet
nothing was done to stop it, until there was so much public outcry afterward that the police/CPS were effectively forced into pressing charges against a few.
And let's not forget the other ways in which the system seems to be deliberately appeasing the more outspoken Muslims. Which city was it last year in which the police refused permission for a St. George's Day parade on the grounds that it would pass through an area with a substantial Muslim population where there had been riots before? So instead of telling those few violent Muslims that if they caused trouble they would be arrested, they instead penalize all the peaceful citizens of the town who had every right to hold their parade.
If we went to the police and objected to proposals for Muslims to hold a parade through our streets, you can bet we'd be told that we have to be tolerant, and probably get a lecture about "diversity" and warnings about "hate crimes" as well.
But minorities tend to need more protection from majorities than the other way around.
Minorities are entitled to exactly the same rights and protection under the law as everybody else. It's the
preferential treatment they are being given which is what's fueling the problem.