As I contemplate the decision about whether to take the social work job I've been offered (if it's enough money I'm going to do it), I wonder about the day to day quality of life issues. I've read many posts about how different some American's find life there. Maybe some of you would expound on your day to day existance... how early are you at work?
10 am...I work part-time 10-2 M-F
do you have 30 minutes or 60 minutes for lunch?
I don't go to lunch since I'm there such a short time, but my coworkers come and go as they please...if they'll be out for a while, they say so before they go.
Is the work ethic very demanding and hectic or laid back?
I would say that people try to do a good job. There are ebbs and flows as to the amount of work we have to do on a day, and people tend to adjust their performance to meet that.
do you go to the gym after/before work?
hehe...neither...i'm thinking of taking up walking before I go though...two of my coworkers go to the gym after work
How late are people up in your town and still go to work the next day?
We go to bed between 10 and 11 usually.
Do most people DO stuff after work or just go home?
People do all sorts of, eating out, going to the gym, heading straight home...really depends on the person and their circumstances.
Is there conversation among strangers in an elevator? waiting in line? that sort of thing?
I've found that there's very little conversation among strangers, period. Usually it's the elderly that talk to me...usually a comment about the weather or how long the queue is, etc.
Is there a TGIF feeling in the air at the end of the week?
Not really, at least not in my office. It feels much like any other day, though we always wish each other a good weekend before we leave.
Do you find it doable to take weekend trips to Paris and around the UK and Europe (as I imagine I'd be eager to do)?
We haven't done it yet, but we've talked about it and it is doable, especially if you're down south.
Is there an interest in you as an American?
Yes, on occasion, but it's not the only topic of conversation (which I actually thought it would be for a while!).
Sheesh - I know it's impossible to generalize to ALL of the experience in the UK but if you each share your experience that will paint a picture for me. I see from my questions that I'm very interested about the AFTER work life, as I'll be alone and don't imagine that I'll want to sit in my sure to be tiny flat all evening by myself. I am interested in all sorts of things relating to the day to day. Thanks so much in advance!