I think 'VAX' do a carpet cleaner type version - a 'normal' hoover (or Vacuum for you USA lot!) type VAX won't do the job.
Camoscato is right on the carpet cleaner type machine, however, there are automotive versions of those too! and most likely a decent valet / car cleaner type place will have the right version, from memory they're usually more powerful than the home versions and have different attachments etc with the cleaning / solution mechanisms. Those things will get the stain out, plus clean the rest of your interior so that it'll look spanking brand new! - not a quick job really either, takes a good couple of hours, plus some time afterwards to totally dry out.
Get the seal fixed to prevent it happening again and possibly look into getting the interior valeted. If it's just a little bit then maybe the home type carpet cleaner might suffice !
Cheers! DtM! West London UK!