I try not to mind personal questions when people are obviously just trying to be nice, like "How are you adjusting?" and "Are you liking England?" though I always have to fight back the temptation to tell them the whole, detailed truth just to see how they'll react. But there are two things that really annoy me. One is that people seem to think we don't have weather in the US. They're always saying things like "Bet you're not used to this cold!" or "What do you think of our English weather? Do you have anything like this in the States?" I grew up in Wisconsin, 10 degrees celsius is NOT THAT COLD. It barely ever drops below freezing here (southwest England). And even southern California, my adopted home, has a rainy season. Please.
The other question I hate is "Is this your first time in the UK?" I'm sure people who ask this are just trying to make conversation, but I can't help being offended by the implication that I'm some hick American who's never bothered to set foot outside my own country until I married an Englishman and moved here, sight unseen.