I must say none of my British friends (hubbie included) can really understand my fears and problems. They just say things like 'study the rules and you'll be fine.' or 'you've been driving all your life, you'll be fine.' Until I spotted this thread I thought I was the only American who was so scared about all of this. Now I know it's pretty common (although I'm not really sure why). I don't understand why I'm not just 'getting it' by now and still have colleywobbles before lessons. Any enlightenment out there?
My husband could never understand why I was afraid of it either. He used to try to correct my hand position or remind me to check my mirrors, when I was just at the point of trying to keep from getting in an accident!
I think Jennie has hit the nail on the head about it being disorienting. I had to
think, think, think about my driving all the time here and I suddenly realized how much of driving had been unconscious or automatic in the US.
When you know how to drive (in the US) and somebody says "Go straight at this next intersection" you don't consciously think "I'll go straight, but I'll remember to stop well back from the sign, then inch forward and give way to cross traffic, etc". You just do it.
But when you don't know how to drive (in the UK) and somebody says "Go straight over this roundabout" you suddenly find that you have to think through like a sort of mantra "left lane, no signal, look right, give way, pull in, pass first exit, check mirrors, signal left". Then if somebody asks you a question, or corrects you, or if you need to read a sign in the middle of it, your mind goes blank.
Worst of all, it's a mini-roundabout and all your instincts are telling you that you have right-of-way over that car approaching from the opposite side with its right turn signal on...only you don't have right-of-way. So you drive in and nearly get hit. Or you know that its different but can't remember what's right so you come to a complete stop and give way to everyone.
All I can say is take heart, it does get better.