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Topic: The few, the brave - those of us taking driving lessons right now!  (Read 67031 times)

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Re: The few, the brave - those of us taking driving lessons right now!
« Reply #360 on: August 25, 2009, 10:34:39 PM »
I think Garmin is one of the better models to buy.

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Re: The few, the brave - those of us taking driving lessons right now!
« Reply #361 on: August 25, 2009, 10:52:52 PM »
Garmin has just informed me I can get the Ordnance Survey maps at 1:50K scale on an SD card now, including turn-by-turn directions. They split the UK into three sections. The maps look really excellent, but at $199.99 (£119) for Southern England and Wales, I doubt I'll be picking them up any time soon.

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Re: The few, the brave - those of us taking driving lessons right now!
« Reply #362 on: August 27, 2009, 08:45:35 AM »
I just read this entire thread and cant decide if that was a good idea or a very bad one!  I have my first lesson in a few hours and am now freaking out more than I was before I read all of this.   I will be learning in an automatic, so I hope that makes things a bit easier, but there are still so many things I am sure I can manage to mess up.
Any bets on if I get yelled at and end up in tears?  :-\\\\

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Re: The few, the brave - those of us taking driving lessons right now!
« Reply #363 on: August 27, 2009, 09:17:04 AM »
You will be fine, I promise!

I'm sure you won't get yelled at, but if you do, find a new instructor straight away! My instructor was one of the calmest, most encouraging people.

Just take it slow and easy and you will be fine.

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Re: The few, the brave - those of us taking driving lessons right now!
« Reply #364 on: August 27, 2009, 02:59:44 PM »
I didn't get yelled at, didnt hit anything, didn't kill anyone and didn't even turn on the wrong side of the road.  Hooray!

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Re: The few, the brave - those of us taking driving lessons right now!
« Reply #365 on: August 27, 2009, 03:04:35 PM »
My instructor was one of the calmest, most encouraging people.

Mine was too!  :) And I took my lessons and test on an automatic.

I didn't get yelled at, didnt hit anything, didn't kill anyone and didn't even turn on the wrong side of the road.  Hooray!

Yay!  :D
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Re: The few, the brave - those of us taking driving lessons right now!
« Reply #366 on: August 27, 2009, 03:28:23 PM »
I had my first lesson yesterday, too.

The good news is, my instructor was patient and unflappable and thought I did well. The bad news is, I sense it's going to be a long, hard slog. It's going to take a lot of driving before I can do it without white knuckles.

I can't tell you what a hit to my vanity this is. I've always been proud of my ability to drive. I've done a lot of it in a lot of different cars and I thought I'd make the adjustment pretty fast. Whoever said it's like trying to learn to write with your other hand -- yup, that's just what it's like.

For those of you taking lessons -- how frequently are you taking them? My instructor asked me how fast I wanted to go, and I shrugged and said...once a week, maybe?

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Re: The few, the brave - those of us taking driving lessons right now!
« Reply #367 on: August 27, 2009, 03:48:35 PM »
For those of you taking lessons -- how frequently are you taking them? My instructor asked me how fast I wanted to go, and I shrugged and said...once a week, maybe?

I took lessons once a week for two hours.  Partly it was that long because we had to spend 20 minutes getting to Gloucester (where the test routes were) and 20 minutes to get home again each time.
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Re: The few, the brave - those of us taking driving lessons right now!
« Reply #368 on: August 27, 2009, 03:54:16 PM »
Had my first lesson yesterday, too. So far I'm taking them once a week for two-hour sessions apiece, but I think I'm going to have to speed it up a bit or I'll be taking lessons FOREVER.

My driving instructor was great, but man, I really, really hate the "prepare, observe, move" drill and the exact order and distance in which you have to look in the mirrors, signal, position, brake, clutch, shift, turn... OMG. About fifty times he said, "You're coasting! You're coasting!" and "You can't turn the steering wheel like that!" And then we'd pull over and I would take the car out of gear BEFORE pulling up the handbrake and... my god.

Other than the pesky order of things, though, it went very well. He said he wasn't at all afraid of being in the car with me (and the way he said it made it sound like a compliment of the highest order), and that it would probably only take another lesson before he gives me a 5 (independent driver) on the whole mirror/signal/position thing.

Mostly it's just so frustrating having to unlearn all of my bad habits from driving for years in the states... like coasting, and steering "funny". But it's hard to remember to do everything in the right order and also DRIVE! I felt like I was spending so much time making sure I did things "properly" that I was actually becoming a hazard on the road, not a more competent driver.

R reminded me that this is all training to pass the test, though, not a drill that I have to adhere to for the rest of my life. :P

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Re: The few, the brave - those of us taking driving lessons right now!
« Reply #369 on: August 27, 2009, 04:09:48 PM »
I had my first lesson yesterday, too.

The good news is, my instructor was patient and unflappable and thought I did well. The bad news is, I sense it's going to be a long, hard slog. It's going to take a lot of driving before I can do it without white knuckles.

I can't tell you what a hit to my vanity this is. I've always been proud of my ability to drive. I've done a lot of it in a lot of different cars and I thought I'd make the adjustment pretty fast. Whoever said it's like trying to learn to write with your other hand -- yup, that's just what it's like.

Had my first lesson yesterday, too. So far I'm taking them once a week for two-hour sessions apiece, but I think I'm going to have to speed it up a bit or I'll be taking lessons FOREVER.

My driving instructor was great, but man, I really, really hate the "prepare, observe, move" drill and the exact order and distance in which you have to look in the mirrors, signal, position, brake, clutch, shift, turn... OMG. About fifty times he said, "You're coasting! You're coasting!" and "You can't turn the steering wheel like that!" And then we'd pull over and I would take the car out of gear BEFORE pulling up the handbrake and... my god.

Other than the pesky order of things, though, it went very well. He said he wasn't at all afraid of being in the car with me (and the way he said it made it sound like a compliment of the highest order), and that it would probably only take another lesson before he gives me a 5 (independent driver) on the whole mirror/signal/position thing.

Mostly it's just so frustrating having to unlearn all of my bad habits from driving for years in the states... like coasting, and steering "funny". But it's hard to remember to do everything in the right order and also DRIVE! I felt like I was spending so much time making sure I did things "properly" that I was actually becoming a hazard on the road, not a more competent driver.

R reminded me that this is all training to pass the test, though, not a drill that I have to adhere to for the rest of my life. :P

It's all completely and utterly ridiculous, what is required to get this stupid damn licence, for people who have driven superbly for years.

I was driving in the US for twenty smooth and confident and SAFE years, failed my UK test recently, and am now walking and taking the bus. Hit to the vanity doesn't start to describe it. I especially agree how all the "doing it properly" makes you feel you are actually a HAZARD, not more competent.

The "swap licence" thing has been argued to death, but I still scream in anger why the hell won't they do it, when they do the swap for about fifty other stinking countries.
*Repatriated Brit undergoing culture shock with the rest of you!*

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Re: The few, the brave - those of us taking driving lessons right now!
« Reply #370 on: August 27, 2009, 04:12:44 PM »
I felt like I was spending so much time making sure I did things "properly" that I was actually becoming a hazard on the road, not a more competent driver.

Oh, god -- this times infinity plus one. I actually missed seeing an oncoming car on my side of a narrow lane because I was so wadded up about WHAT GEAR AM I IN? WHAT GEAR AM I IN?

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Re: The few, the brave - those of us taking driving lessons right now!
« Reply #371 on: August 28, 2009, 12:41:39 PM »
Well, I have been referred to an instructor and will schedule my first lesson as soon as I get the provisional licence back (I'm posting my app off this weekend.) So, I shall post again soon with more details! Eeeeps! I'm nervous, but really excited and ready to get on the road and get this thing over with. I know I will feel 10 times more adjusted here once I can drive myself places.  :)

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Re: The few, the brave - those of us taking driving lessons right now!
« Reply #372 on: August 28, 2009, 03:51:14 PM »
It makes me so happy that so many of us here in the UK want to drive.  It is a part of us and we are used to the fact of being a licensed driver.  I have been taking lessons for almost a year now.  I drove an automatic for 20 years.  Learning a manual has not been the easiest and i am 37 years old.  Guess this gal has learned a new trick and a skill for life here.  I did lose my driving right on my alabama license in june.  It is a deflate to your ego since the US and UK do not exchange licenses.  I do want to say that i am booked for my practical test on Sept 17th.  I did have a good lesson today.  My teacher says that my overall driving is good, except for the left turn around the corner.  These manouvers that are done here is brand new to us americans here.  I am excited and nervous at the same time.  I would love to have my new license since i am going back to the States Sept 30 for a wedding and spend time traveling afterwards.  For all of us wanting and are doing driving over here, we are a brave kind and in time it will make us feel like we are fitting into society here.  That is a great feeling of empowerment.  Wish me luck  on my driving test and i send a a big good luck to all that are ready and are doing the journey to drive here legally.

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Re: The few, the brave - those of us taking driving lessons right now!
« Reply #373 on: August 28, 2009, 04:14:07 PM »
A few people just starting out - fun!  Here was my experience:

I'm 37 and have been driving for 21 years in the US (Los Angeles).  I originally learned how to drive on a manual, but have been driving automatic for 20 years. 

I moved to UK in September, and bought a car in the beginning of April - an automatic.  Had never driven here, but had been a passenger enough to have observed the 'flow of traffic'.  Decided to just hop in and drive.

It was white knuckles for the first couple of days.  I stuck to driving around my little town, and a little motorway driving - just to get used to things.  After the first couple of days, I started to relax a little, and became much more used to driving around - and a lot more comfortable.

After driving for a little more than a month, I went ahead and got my provisional license, and took the theory test sometime in June.  Then, I booked my practical for about six and half weeks later. 

At this point I started looking for an instructor, with a mind that I would only take a couple lessons in order to understand the 'standards' for the test.

One thing I can definitely say worked in my favor is that I was already quite comfortable behind the wheel after having driven for over two months in the UK.  So, all the silly little things they make us do were a little easier to cope with since I didn't also have to deal with 'learning to drive' in the UK.

So, I ended up being able to fit three lessons in before my practical test.  Learned all the silliness like turning the steering wheel, applying the handbrake before shifting from first to reverse and vice versa, checking the mirrors before signally, making sure to get in the 'perfect' position on roundabouts, reversing around a corner, reversing into a parking bay, etc. etc..

Went to my practical test feeling pretty confident.  I failed the first time around -but for a pretty lame reason in my opinion.  I had only five minor faults - but one major fault.  Apparently my 'emergency stop' was not 'emergency' enough for the examiner.  So be it.  Took my second practical test two weeks later and passed.

So, based on my experience, here's some advice I can offer:

If you've been driving for a long time in the US, driving here is not that different - really.

If you can be a passenger in a car and observe how traffic flows - do it.  It helps a lot.  My 'passenger' experience was only in taxis now and then - but I was paying close attention each time.  And a short cab ride is cheaper that a lesson!

If you've been in the UK less than a year, and therefore can still drive here on your license, just do it.  Be cautious of course.  Know that it will be nerve wracking at first, but it will pass.  I started driving with one golden piece of information - always yield to traffic from the right, traffic from the left yields to you.

Drive for a while to get comfortable before taking lessons.  Adding all the 'little things' to your routine are much easier if you're already comfortable behind the wheel.

Get an instructor that's already had experience with someone like you.  In other words, they've already prepped several people for the practical test that have had many years of driving experience in the US or elsewhere.  My instructor knew exactly what I needed, and the stuff I didn't, and it went much smoother because of it.

Have confidence that your years of experience driving in the US are absolutely relevant here, and you'll soon see that for yourself.  Maybe this will help you relax a little.

That's my quick two cents.  I remember when I started out - reading this thread made me really nervous.  Perhaps the more people that post their experiences, the more everyone will see that the experience of getting a license here doesn't always have to be such a major pain.

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Re: The few, the brave - those of us taking driving lessons right now!
« Reply #374 on: August 28, 2009, 04:18:02 PM »
IMO the hardest part of driving here in the beginning is remembering which way to look!
Also, if you are learning to drive a manual, imo the gears don't make much sense while learning, it was really only until I was driving on my own when I learned about how the gears work and what they mean.
Roundabouts are pretty easy imo, if in doubt, go around again!
I found that a passive driving instructor was no good for me, I needed one who was going to have a little yell at me, and challenge me on what I did wrong.

And ladies, you know what....my husband made driving look REALLY BLOODY difficult, and it isn't! I find my fellow drivers to be really courteous (much more than in the sates) and driving a manual is actually quite a lot of fun! Once you get the hang of the gears, its easy and it makes sense!

If you fail your test the first time, don't worry too much about it! Take it again!

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