Oh, any AyouBob, you are crazy! I wish I was more like you and could look at it as being loads of fun. I'm not sure I ever will think of driving as fun again. :\\\'(
lol Ayou is Burmese for crazy, and my CB handle (omg am I revealing my age?) was CrazyBob
But anyway I don't drive like that. Well, not nowadays. Driving
is fun. My dd started driving a few years back and has been on her own now for a year and says she absolutely loves it.
If you liked crusing back home, you'll love getting out and driving around the gorgeous country side or along the spectacular coasts, going where YOU want to go and not where DH wants to go. It'll be fun again. Don't fret.
You've got a head start on those that have never driven a stick. You'll soon get used to shifting with the other hand. How do I know, cuz when I first ever went back home (a long time ago), I kept trying to shift with the window roller upper thingy (see it was a long time ago - manual windows! haha I still have manual windows in all 4 windows). But anyway, talk about feel dumb. Vroom we're off in 1st all nice and smooth, a quickly executed change to 2nd, let the clutch out - oh sh*t still in first, hey what's going on here? DW looking at me like wtf are you doing?! The left arm was reprogramed.
You do have to be a bit more alert here as it isn't the laid back cruising like we're used to back home. I love switching mode when I go back for a visit - First I get an automatic, then take the lead out of my shoe and leave it at home, adjust the seat for a slight, very slight, pimp position, tune the radio to the 24-hour Rock channel, get the shades on and sit back and cruise. The whole 5 minutes to the majik-market for a barq's!
(it feels very vroom! vroom!)