Thanks, everyone! I'm over the moon!

It was snowing like crazy and the examiner asked if I still wanted to do it, and since I was all pumped, I just went for it! You wouldn't believe how nice the guy was, I think I got off so easy. As soon as I saw his face, which was just about the friendliest, kindest face I had ever seen, I knew I would be ok. I had about 8 minors for things like not checking my mirrors enough before signalling (but he said that was sort of the mark of an experienced driver) and cutting a corner, etc., but other than that, I did great! I completely nailed the reverse around the corner, I didn't even have to stop - as soon as I got around the corner he just told me to drive on. It was a bit crazy, as since I took it at 3pm, there were loads of kids just getting out of school and bouncing in the street, plus buses everywhere in the narrow roads behind Alnwick Castle, but I thought I did pretty good. I wasn't sure if I would pass, since my instructor gave me serious faults for not checking my mirrors enough on my practice test, but this guy just counted those as minors and said he could tell I was an experienced driver and he felt comfortable with my driving the whole time. Anyway, I'm sure he thought I was nuts when he said I passed and I screamed "YEAHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" almost right in his face.... LOL!!!! My instructor said he could tell I passed because he was watching from the window and could see me clapping in the car! What a nerd.

Anyway, I'm celebrating with a Chinese takeaway and some wine, so I'm gonna get back to that.
Good luck to all the rest of you who are braving the lessons.... it's so worth it!!!!