This was my problem when I started. And yet, the only comment I got when I finished my test was that (while I passed) I was too cautious and slow on my reverse around a corner.
Sometimes it seems like you really can't win!
Oh yikes, I didn't know one can be
too slow for the examiner's liking!

That does make it seem like we'll be damned if we do and damned if we don't! At least you passed and it wasn't a failing issue; whew.
About your remark on making all countries take the test -- I'd be for that. As I said in my other post, I agree, driving on UK streets IS a completely different skill than driving in the US. I say it all the time, even though I was a good and experienced driver in the US, I was freaked out on London streets. I could not get by being able to deal with it without having taken the lessons I/m taking or having done the studying I did -- even if there hadn't been a test to take!
I agree totally that anyone intending to drive here, after being used to driving in the US, really does need the "re-learning" experience that having to pass our UK tests forces us into.
Having said that, and agreed with all this.....I still can't help feeling a paradoxical resentment of having to pass the test all over again, while EU drivers have free rein to be here behind their wheels, no test required, feeling probably every bit as freaked out and clueless as we were or are.
They need to take the test if we do -- that's what I'm resenting, not the learning experience -- which I needed here!!

-- but the fact that the test isn't required of other drivers who are probably equally as freaked out by the differences as we are.