I think I took 5-6 lessons, maybe more or less, I can't remember now and I'm not scanning old posts to find out
. And all my lessons seemingly involved me practicing my reverse around the corner, over and over and over as I just couldn't get my head around it! And wouldn't you know it, it came up on my test and whilst I didn't nail it (all minors came from it!, ha) I did it enough to pass the first time. Now I still can not give a donkey's toss if I'm within a perfect circle exactly in line from the curb or exactly on my side of the road, but jeez, I can, and always have reversed around a corner safely!
Had my second lesson this morning, this time with a different instructor. She is so much better!
Having a good instructor makes all the difference. My instructor was fantastic - and I still see her about on the roads and she waves to me and I wave back! Funny that 3 years later and gazillions of students, that she still remembers me.