I don't think it's healthy to change oneself in order to "get" a man.
Any man for whom you feel you have to alter yourself in order to better attract their love, is not the "right" person for you in the first place. And any person who does not accept you exactly as you are is not worth being with.
I agree with sweetpeach on this one, I'd rather be alone than be with the wrong person or with someone for whom I have to contort my natural self.
And if that means I don't "attract" ANYONE -- then so the hell be it.
The purpose of ANY of our lives is not centrally to get a partner. Screw that. That's just an incidental, a cherry on the top if it happens.
Sucks when something enjoyable does not work out, sure, but we can't compromise our natural selves in whatever is going on with us, in order to please another individual who sure ain't compromising HIMSELF for US.
Ask yourself this:
How many men walk around worrying about how best to fit in with US and our nature/personality, to not rock the domestic boat?
I AM myself and the best thing ANYONE can do for themselves is TO BE TRUE TO YOURSELF.
I'm not going to change myself just because ooh, I'm single, ooh, I'd better be a happier, more attractive well adjusted person in order to attract the love of the same!! Golly geee.
People have to take me as is. Sorry. If that means I'm not liked or loved, do I give a flying one. No.