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Topic: Anyone use a money belt?  (Read 918 times)

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Anyone use a money belt?
« on: April 06, 2009, 03:47:13 PM »
I'm looking to purchase a money belt, but am not sure as to what type-a money belt, a neck pouch, one of those shoulder holster thingies...
What do you all use?  Or do you just use a handbag?

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Re: Anyone use a money belt?
« Reply #1 on: April 06, 2009, 03:48:02 PM »

Re: Anyone use a money belt?
« Reply #2 on: April 06, 2009, 03:49:38 PM »
I travel with a backpack, but I always shove my money deep into my jeans pocket.

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Re: Anyone use a money belt?
« Reply #3 on: April 06, 2009, 03:50:39 PM »
Someone once gave me a little purse type of thing that had straps you could fasten around your bra straps  ::)  Never used it.  Usually try to divide up money, etc. so not all in one place but then I can't remember where I've tucked it!!
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Re: Anyone use a money belt?
« Reply #4 on: April 06, 2009, 03:54:16 PM »
I have one that goes around your waist/under your clothes. Like this one: http://www.familytravelgear.com/page/FTG/PROD/Talus-waist-money-belt

I used it when I was traveling around Europe. We were sleeping in hostels and trains and I felt safer sleeping with it on that way than having my credit card/passport/money laying in a bag near me.

I also used it when I was in Mexico and the Dominican Republic. I felt safe with it because someone would have to stick their hand up my shirt/down my trousers to unzip/unsnap it. Which hopefully I would notice/they wouldn't try.

I didn't use it in London/NYC/LA. My wallet and keys got stolen out of my pocket in Chinatown in LA and I didn't notice until I tried to buy something.  :-\\\\
« Last Edit: April 06, 2009, 03:55:58 PM by ImissEngland »
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Re: Anyone use a money belt?
« Reply #5 on: April 07, 2009, 11:07:14 AM »
Thanks to everyone for their replies.  We are off to Spain in a few weeks and I was getting worried about where to keep our passports.  I usually carry a small handbag, but since I've never been to Spain I'm getting paranoid.  I don't want to leave the passports in the hotel when we go to the beach and out for walks. 

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Re: Anyone use a money belt?
« Reply #6 on: April 07, 2009, 11:22:15 AM »
Does your hotel have a safe in the rooms?  If so, that is probably the safest (no pun intended) place for your passport (note: this does not apply to a general hotel safe - just the ones in the rooms where you program your own code).

I have used money belts while traveling - mostly when I was in college and sleeping overnight on trains and whatnot.  Neck-pouch type belts are known by pickpockets (and the ones in Spain are true professionals) and it only takes a snip of the cord around your neck to drop it into their skilled hands.  For that reason I think that the ones that fasten around your waist are more secure if you're going to carry your passport around with you.

I don't know where in Spain you're going, but take real care with your small handbag and/or backpacks.  I've known several people who've had their bags sliced open and robbed without their ever knowing.  I read somewhere the best thing to use to carry around daily items is a cloth or plastic shopping sack, since they are less likely to be thought of carrying anything of value except bread and veg.  Vigilance is the name of the game wherever you travel in Europe, but Spain and southern Italy really seem to demand an extra bit of care.
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Re: Anyone use a money belt?
« Reply #7 on: April 07, 2009, 08:18:54 PM »
I agree with the above.  My parents, who are seasoned travelers, were amazed at what they saw in Spain.  My mother had a special bag with several compartments, and fortunately, my father, who made his own moneybelt (!) (under the outer shirt, over the t-shirt, straps around the shoulder and chest, not around the neck - it's quite an ordeal when we need more money, but hey...), and gypsy thieves sliced out the bottom of her bag, stood before her holding them, asking for money to get the items back.  Fortunately she was only carrying small amounts of cash.
As for passports, my dad puts them in his moneybelt, or the room safe (as mentioned above).
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Re: Anyone use a money belt?
« Reply #8 on: April 08, 2009, 01:56:41 PM »
Thanks ladies, for sharing your information.  I think I will invest in a money belt and hope the hotel has an in-room safe for the passports. 

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