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Topic: Wording for letter from landlord and employer, suitable bank statements  (Read 577 times)

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Hi all! I tend to lurk mostly on these boards but hope you can help. It's finally time for us to start thinking about my spousal visa!!!

Getting married (in the US) to my fiance next month (yaaaaay!) so we're finally in the process of pre-collating as many materials as we can. Fiance has recently moved into our new flat, and the landlords are aware that I will be moving in there once I've relocated to the UK. (though obviously I can't sign the joint lease when I'm over here!!)

I've heard that the powers that be are sticklers when it comes to this part of the application, so I want to ensure that we have the wording from the landlord JUST RIGHT.

Same goes for proof of employment. AFAIK, Fiance doesn't have his contract handy (but has been employed at his current job for over two years). How should the letter from his employer be worded? He was talking to his supervisor about it the other day and while she's glad to do it for him she's at a loss as to what to write!

In addition, I noticed in an old thread that printoffs from the bank of previous statements (Fiance has gone paperless and only recently switched, thinking he could just go to the bank to get printouts) aren't "official" enough and that we need a letter on letterhead from the bank to confirm they are real?

Lastly (sorry, I keep thinking of things!) for those of you who have used the LA consulate (I'm in PA, and I believe PA applications are handled in Los Angeles now), which courier service would you recommend!

Thanks for your help!

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For the letter from the landlord, they should specifically mention that you, as his wife, have permission to stay in the flat, and that it is big enough to accommodate the two of you. It's perfectly fine that you're not on the lease yet, as long as they mention those points specifically in their letter.

For the stuff about employment, getting a letter from his boss or the HR department is prolly the best bet, especially if he's been there two years already; sometimes the terms of the initial contract change, and the ECO wants to have the most current info available. So the letter should state the terms of his employment (full time, part time, permanent, temp, etc), how much he makes a year, how long he's been with the company, and his position in the company. My fiance didn't have his contract either, but he's been there 10 years so everything about his job has changed since then, and that's the kind of letter his HR department gave him :)

As to the bank statements, they don't consider printoffs from online statements to be sufficient, since those can be forged if someone was desperate enough. If he does have online bank statements, I believe he can take them into the bank and have a banker sign and stamp each page to authenticate it, unless they can provide him back statements on their letterhead (can be kinda expensive I imagine). I think this is sufficient for a spousal visa--I hope I didn't get it confused with other visas, so if I did someone will correct me :(

As for the courier recommendation, I haven't used any yet, so I'm sure other people can give you their personal preferences :)
Met fiance (online): 2001
Started dating: 12/2005
Met fiance: 09/2006; 06/2007
UK Trip: 03/2008; 10/2008
Engaged: 11/2008
Married: 05/27/2009
Spousal visa app: 06/02/2009
Biometrics: 06/26/2009
Consulate received app: 07/01/2009
Approved: 07/02/2009
Moving Date: 09/04/2009

*I'm not any sort of immigration expert; I just play one on the telly*

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Will their word on this be enough, or should we include dimensions of the flat? (He's taken a video of it for me, definitely enough room for two.) I will definitely make sure that they note that I will be his wife at the time, and will be signing on to the lease once I've moved.

That's true, I didn't even think of terms changing; he is currently making more than he was when initially hired, has taken on new certifications/training etc. It's a smaller firm so they don't have a separate HR department but as I said his supervisor has no problem doing it for him. :)

I will have him look into getting bank statements on letterhead/stamping previous statements if possible. He has a substantial amount of savings. Thanks!

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Their word should be sufficient, it's a neutral third party and the ECO will assume that they wouldn't lie on your behalf, so as long as they mention it's a two-person flat or whatever it should be enough. And his supervisor can write the note, that'll work as well as long as it's on company letterhead as well, as long as they hit the relevant points that the ECO will be looking at :)
Met fiance (online): 2001
Started dating: 12/2005
Met fiance: 09/2006; 06/2007
UK Trip: 03/2008; 10/2008
Engaged: 11/2008
Married: 05/27/2009
Spousal visa app: 06/02/2009
Biometrics: 06/26/2009
Consulate received app: 07/01/2009
Approved: 07/02/2009
Moving Date: 09/04/2009

*I'm not any sort of immigration expert; I just play one on the telly*

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Great, thank you!!! :D

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Great, thank you!!! :D

No sweat--I've done a ton of lurking on here as well :P Good luck with your visa, and congrats :)
Met fiance (online): 2001
Started dating: 12/2005
Met fiance: 09/2006; 06/2007
UK Trip: 03/2008; 10/2008
Engaged: 11/2008
Married: 05/27/2009
Spousal visa app: 06/02/2009
Biometrics: 06/26/2009
Consulate received app: 07/01/2009
Approved: 07/02/2009
Moving Date: 09/04/2009

*I'm not any sort of immigration expert; I just play one on the telly*

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