In my experience, everyone everywhere complains about their weather, and everyone thinks that their weather is special and unique. ... Frankly, I think the weirdest thing about the weather is people's proud, proprietary attitude about the weirdness of their weather. But I guess it does give us something to talk about.
The thing that makes me laugh about peoples' attitude toward weather here in the UK is no matter what is happening at what time of year, people will say "It's not normally like this." When I came over to live in April of 2007, the weather was beautiful and warm and everyone said, "It's not normally like this." When I'd ask them what it's normally like, they'd just say, "Not this."
Similarly, when we had all that rain in July of that year people would say, "It's not normally like this," and I've come to expect that no matter what is happening it's not what normally happens. My guess is that because the weather changes so fast here, there really is no "normal." Watch the BBC's weather report almost any time of the year and the forecast will be "Sunshine with some clouds and showers, temperatures warm and cold throughout the day."