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Topic: When Does The Jetlag End?!  (Read 5404 times)

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Re: When Does The Jetlag End?!
« Reply #30 on: July 15, 2009, 06:10:22 PM »
Most flights are overnight but daytime ones are available too - and DH says there is no price difference in his experience.

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Re: When Does The Jetlag End?!
« Reply #31 on: July 15, 2009, 08:04:56 PM »

I agree with Becca though, I usually feel it worse coming home, BUT the "experts" conclude that CKG is actually right - it SHOULD be worse west to east.  

I think the actual conclusion is that jetlag effects everyone differently and there is no surefire way to avoid it and nothing that we can say for absolutely everyone.

I think the reason the US -> UK didn't affect me was because I boarded the plane around 7PM EST, and went to "bed" around 9PM EST (which is early for me, but I barely slept the night before.) Then, when I woke up at 5AM GMT, it felt like I had actually slept through the night. But on the flight coming home I left at 4PM BST, and there was no way I could try to sleep that early in the day.

Tim is claiming he'll be fine when he arrives tomorrow. He lands at 730PM EST, and then we have to take 2 trains to get to Lancaster, so we won't actually get to my house until closer to midnight. He thinks he'll be fine to go to bed at 12 and wake up in the morning.  I'll believe it when I see it ;)


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Re: When Does The Jetlag End?!
« Reply #32 on: July 16, 2009, 04:25:57 AM »
Not really sure on what to suggest for Jet lag per se, but as a point of interest I thnk it's important to note that, when trying to combat having jet lag, it's better for you to not skip sleep or force yourself to stay up.  Sleep is like a time bank, and when you deprive yourself of sleep you are, in metaphorical essence, going to have to repay the debt... which is then only making your jet lag worse.  Alot of people actually mistaken small amounts of sleep deprivation (I'll just stay up 30+ hours straight and sleep that night and be fine!) for a bad case of jet lag, when in reality your jet lag would be easier to handle by sleeping when your body demands it, and making the time change gradually over several nights.

Re: When Does The Jetlag End?!
« Reply #33 on: July 21, 2009, 03:18:52 PM »
from my experiences, every time I go back to the states, the jet lag phenomena is much less then when I try and come from the US back to the UK. When I go from the UK to the US it only takes me about a day to recover, whereas when I go from there back to the UK, it seems like a week! Maybe it has something to do with the fact that I have spent almost all my life in the US and a very little short time, in comparison to the UK.

At end of day, I'll never get used to the angle of the sun at different times of the year. I will never get used to the sun piercing through my window at 4:30 or 5AM and the light finally turning to night by 10:00PM!

Re: When Does The Jetlag End?!
« Reply #34 on: July 21, 2009, 07:31:03 PM »
At end of day, I'll never get used to the angle of the sun at different times of the year. I will never get used to the sun piercing through my window at 4:30 or 5AM and the light finally turning to night by 10:00PM!

God I LOVE that. I live for the incredibly long summer days and having people over for BBQs and being outside until 10.... Black out blinds will sort out the 5am wake up call.... The only thing I could do without is our cats deciding that if it's light, it's time to get up!

As for jet lag, for me it's a matter of will almost - when we go to the US I stay awake on the flight and then go to bed really early. I'm nearly always a snivelling wreck for a couple of days though. Coming back I usually have to go straight back to work and forcing myself back onto my daily routine seems to do the trick.... I think fresh air and a good brisk walk also help a lot to re-set your clock!

Re: When Does The Jetlag End?!
« Reply #35 on: July 21, 2009, 07:54:27 PM »
God I LOVE that. I live for the incredibly long summer days and having people over for BBQs and being outside until 10.... Black out blinds will sort out the 5am wake up call.... The only thing I could do without is our cats deciding that if it's light, it's time to get up!

I love it too, Anne. I would just like a bit more sun and a lot less rain.  :)

Re: When Does The Jetlag End?!
« Reply #36 on: July 21, 2009, 08:26:40 PM »
I love it too, Anne. I would just like a bit more sun and a lot less rain.  :)

Right? It went from being the best summer in recent memory to the soggiest!!!

Overcoming Jetlag
« Reply #37 on: July 23, 2009, 10:53:00 PM »
I used to get horrible jetlag until I bought this book and I've followed the advice in it ever since.  I've recommended it to friends who have thanked me as well.  My former boss was ready to quit his job because of all the international travel.  I bought him the book for Christmas and he is still in his high paying job.  So trust me, it works!

Very scientific, no old wives tales.  Everything is explained in detail for every time zone.  You have to be disciplined for three days before your trip.  Surprisingly, some people don't want to be, so they suffer much longer by not following the program.

I only follow instructions on my flight TO the UK and not FROM because I don't care if I  fall asleep at my desk at work once I come home but I want to be perky spending time with my boyfriend in the UK.

Don't take my word for it, read the reviews

Re: When Does The Jetlag End?!
« Reply #38 on: July 24, 2009, 08:53:08 AM »
God I LOVE that. I live for the incredibly long summer days and having people over for BBQs and being outside until 10.... Black out blinds will sort out the 5am wake up call.... The only thing I could do without is our cats deciding that if it's light, it's time to get up!

yeah this is great if you live in a utopian world like maybe the way people live on a TV soap box opera?..lol...yeah, I'd love that too, but I'm afraid that's not how the 'real' world works. (not unless your 18 or 20)

By 10 pm I'm already cutting some much needed z's because I have to get up at 4:30 am every other day to either catch the ridiculous exorbitantly priced train (that's very seldom on time) to lectures or work. So, entertaining friends at a BBQ is obviously for me not only a luxury but almost an impossible impracticality. You see, when you start getting older, you need more rest. :-\\\\ And if you you got some money to loan me for the blinds?..that'd be cool because at the outrageous price their at, I really cant afford them (glad somebody can). ;D....and as far as the cats are concerned?-shut the door, turn on the AC like I've gotten (used my BBQ money for that) and go back to sleep. Sorted. :)

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Re: When Does The Jetlag End?!
« Reply #39 on: July 24, 2009, 08:56:13 AM »
yeah this is great if you live in a utopian world like maybe the way people live on a TV soap box opera?..lol...yeah, I'd love that too, but I'm afraid that's not how the 'real' world works. (not unless your 18 or 20)

Trust me - people over 20 have barbecues.  ;D
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Re: When Does The Jetlag End?!
« Reply #40 on: July 24, 2009, 09:00:26 AM »
Trust me - people over 20 have barbecues.  ;D

Heeee - but are you SURE about that?!  ;) :P

yeah this is great if you live in a utopian world like maybe the way people live on a TV soap box opera?..lol...yeah, I'd love that too, but I'm afraid that's not how the 'real' world works. (not unless your 18 or 20)

Really?  Because I'm 45 and that seems a normal enough suggestion to me.  <shrugs>

By 10 pm I'm already cutting some much needed z's...and as far as the cats are concerned?-shut the door, turn on the AC like I've gotten (used my BBQ money for that) and go back to sleep. Sorted. :)

Different strokes, eh?  :)

We all tend to go with whatever is most important to us as individuals, no problem!  Living up north, I personally don't see the need for AC - I'd rather have the BBQ myself.  I love the long days too & I'm sad that they're getting shorter now.  :-\\\\
Ring the bells that still can ring
Forget your perfect offering
There is a crack, a crack in everything
That's how the light gets in...

- from Anthem, by Leonard Cohen (b 1934)

Re: When Does The Jetlag End?!
« Reply #41 on: July 24, 2009, 09:02:08 AM »
yeah this is great if you live in a utopian world like maybe the way people live on a TV soap box opera?..lol...yeah, I'd love that too, but I'm afraid that's not how the 'real' world works. (not unless your 18 or 20)

By 10 pm I'm already cutting some much needed z's because I have to get up at 4:30 am every other day to either catch the ridiculous exorbitantly priced train (that's very seldom on time) to lectures or work. So, entertaining friends at a BBQ is obviously for me not only a luxury but almost an impossible impracticality. You see, when you start getting older, you need more rest. :-\\\\ And if you you got some money to loan me for the blinds?..that'd be cool because at the outrageous price their at, I really cant afford them (glad somebody can). ;D....and as far as the cats are concerned?-shut the door, turn on the AC like I've gotten (used my BBQ money for that) and go back to sleep. Sorted. :)


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Re: When Does The Jetlag End?!
« Reply #42 on: July 24, 2009, 09:06:40 AM »
yeah this is great if you live in a utopian world like maybe the way people live on a TV soap box opera?..lol...yeah, I'd love that too, but I'm afraid that's not how the 'real' world works. (not unless your 18 or 20)

Some of my favourite memories are of having BBQs until 10pm with my friends/family in the UK summertime :). It's the best thing about summer days here - unfortunately we don't get that many of them, but the ones we do get are amazing... I live for those gorgeous summer days too - the thought of them is what gets me through the cold, dreary winter days (and I was born and raised here in the UK, so I've grown up with this climate).

I'm over 20 (age 26), I'm at work 45 hours a week, I barely scrape by on my just-above-min-wage job after paying rent and bills and other expenses, I'm even on day 2 of an 8-day stint at work right now, but if we suddenly get a gorgeous day tomorrow, I'm still going to be outside having a BBQ and soaking up the sun for as long as possible, because it will be pretty much the weather highlight of my year :P.

Re: When Does The Jetlag End?!
« Reply #43 on: July 24, 2009, 09:16:49 AM »
Some of my favourite memories are of having BBQs until 10pm with my friends/family in the UK summertime :). It's the best thing about summer days here - unfortunately we don't get that many of them, but the ones we do get are amazing... I live for those gorgeous summer days too - the thought of them is what gets me through the cold, dreary winter days (and I was born and raised here in the UK, so I've grown up with this climate).

I'm over 20 (age 26), I'm at work 45 hours a week, I barely scrape by on my just-above-min-wage job after paying rent and bills and other expenses, I'm even on day 2 of an 8-day stint at work right now, but if we suddenly get a gorgeous day tomorrow, I'm still going to be outside having a BBQ and soaking up the sun for as long as possible, because it will be pretty much the weather highlight of my year :P.

One of the things I love here is that if there is a nice day you KNOW that people are going to be taking advantage of it.  Lying on the grass, eating ice cream, having a barbeque or going to the seaside don't cost the earth and they're all good for you. :)

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Re: When Does The Jetlag End?!
« Reply #44 on: July 24, 2009, 09:21:22 AM »
One of the things I love here is that if there is a nice day you KNOW that people are going to be taking advantage of it.  Lying on the grass, eating ice cream, having a barbeque or going to the seaside don't cost the earth and they're all good for you. :)

True! If money is an issue, it doesn't cost any more to eat outside than it does inside. I do understand about getting up early, though - but what about on weekends?

I looooove long summer nights and wouldn't trade them for anything!

(46 y/o here.)
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