Congratulations Brooke & Laurie, I am thrilled for you! (especially now I know a little more of your story - thanks Brooke, was good to read and I do hope things go smoothly from now on, as well as VERY quickly!)
You're so right, this
is a great site, one of the friendliest I have been to and for me, provides some reassurance that I am not alone, however awkward our situation is. The first time around when given some particularly bad advice about staying in the US to marry and then filing nearly destroyed a new marriage before we had even started, I was isolated, didn't drive, lived with in-laws and got into a lot of debt just trying to keep our heads afloat (worked 3 under the table jobs) and a young, enthusiastic but naieve hubby didn't help.
8 years later, life has certainly thrown a great deal of the brown stuff our way, so we just take a deep breath and step back and do it the best way we can. Life generally has it's own timeline and no amount of trying to force it has ever helped me! - having said that, the small issue of a car in very good condition, although old , being given to us as we heard today, might be a real breakthrough

a very unexpected one too!
We are hoping that Hubs can go back, I will move into a smaller/cheaper place than we have now (we already are in a 1 bed, studio type place) to save money and cut our outgoings as much as possible, then he can establish as much as possible before we file our paperwork and if it takes 6 + mths from there, then my income will still be coming in if there are any problems Stateside. Baby steps, but necessary ones.
And of course, absence makes the heart grow fonder and all that! I guess I am pretty unusual, being a creature who likes her own space, I like our breaks from each other, reminds me what we have and what often gets lost in everyday life.
I am sorry to hear of your Dad's condition- I wasn't close to my Mother either - then I lost her and realised we were closer than I had realised, so these things are terribly important and you did the right thing

*We* hope we have some better luck too this time around, but thank you for wishing that for us- it's very encouraging and I will keep watching your progress. Good luck to both of you and I hope you are happy in your new job
