While Tim's visiting me, he'll get the chance to attend my family's annual reunion/picnic down at the farm in Maryland. It's a pot luck picnic, so I thought we'd bring something British in origin to share with my family...but short of fish and chips (LOL) I'm really drawing a blank on what to bring.
It's an outdoor picnic, so anything requiring heat is out, and it can't be anything that might fall apart, melt, or get soggy either in the car (3 hour drive with food in a cooler) or sitting out in the baby pool filled with ice we use to keep things cold. Also, it can't be alcoholic, and it probably shouldn't have dairy in it, either.
Does anyone have any ideas for a main dish, side dish, or dessert we could bring? We have between 25-40 people on average at the picnic. Recipes, please. And the simpler, the better. I suppose it's worth mentioning that I'm allergic to onions and garlic, so I can't cook with either, but they're usually easily omittable. I'm also allergic to Maple, and my mom's allergic to walnuts. I think that covers most of the food allergies in the family...other than the kid who can't have soy, but his parents pack his own food.
I wanted to get ideas together now, in case I need Tim to bring anything!
Also, does anyone know where I might be able to procure toothpicks with little British flags on them? I had a mixture of International flags at one point, but if the food we bring will be the kind that can be served on toothpicks, I thought British flag ones would be really cute!
ETA: found flag toothpicks!