Does anyone have any experience with planning/researching a backpacking-type trip abroad?
I finally got a job offer (yay!) but the job won't start until April next year, so I'm looking into maybe trying to do some travelling for a couple of months before I start. I've been looking online at the BUNAC Work and Volunteering schemes, as well as various organised trekking and expedition sites, but I'm not really sure how to find the best/cheapest methods of travel and the safest ways to do it.
I will most likely be doing it alone, as all my friends are either doing PhDs/PGCEs or are desperately hanging onto their jobs, so I would prefer to go with an organised group rather than travel independently. However, I only have about £1,500 in savings right now and with rent and bills, I can't really save much more than £100 per month or so at the moment. The housing contract for my flat isn't up until December, so I'm currently thinking of going between January and March 2010. However, the ideal situation would be to move back to my parents' house in the next few weeks and start saving money towards a trip, but that all depends on whether I can get out of my tenancy agreement/find someone else to move in (and also on the job offer being made official as I still have to wait for the pre-employment checks to be carried out first).
The different options I've been looking at so far are:
- BUNAC Work Australia/New Zealand - probably what I would be most comfortable doing, but since they are Working Holidaymaker visas, I'm not sure if they're worth doing if I can only stay there 2-3 months (rather than 12 or 24 months).
- BUNAC Volunteer South Africa/Ghana/Cambodia/India/USA - these look good, although I'm not sure about the safety (both health and personal safety) of some of the countries. The Volunteer USA scheme involves spending a few weeks carrying out projects in the Grand Canyon and is the cheapest (about £300 plus flights/insurance/spending money etc.), but it says you have to be eligible for the VWP to do it. I'm not eligible to travel visa-free to the US anymore, but I should have a valid tourist visa by then (visa appointment is in October) - I don't know what that would mean for the scheme though.
- Rayleigh International Expeditions (India, Borneo, or Costa Rica and Nicaragua) - since I am over 24, I could only do this if I applied as a volunteer manager rather than just a volunteer.
I would love to go for the BUNAC Volunteer Costa Rica or Peru, but you need at least GCSE Spanish to apply and I only have French! The only Spanish I know is the few words I picked up when I spent 4 weeks in Guatemala and when I was in New Mexico
Other sites I've been looking at are,, and, and I've just found and would love to hear from anyone who has any experience with travelling/volunteering abroad, just so I can get more of a feel for it and an idea of how to go about planning a trip. Although I've travelled quite a bit, most of my experience has been in the US and Europe (apart from Guatemala) - staying with family/in hotels/motels in the US and camping/hostels in Europe