IA: Been having some mouth nerve pain at my upper two right molars, when chewing from time to time, so I went to the dentist this morning. (nerve pain is not all the time, and not unbearable pain, so far)
UP: I love, love, love my NHS dentist! She is so much better and so much nicer than any dentist that I ever saw in the US!!!! She explains everything so thoroughly, shows me my X-rays, explains what is going on, reassures me, carefully explains my options, asks for my input & preferences on how treatment will proceed, and has the most excellent chair-side patient manner. (The practice is a combination NHS/private practice, so you can opt for some NHS/some private treatment, according to your preferences & pocketbook.) By contrast, my US dentists always just told me what they were going to do (without asking) & then presented me with their large bill for it all. Gosh I hope my dentist here never leaves the practice - she is so good & so friendly & nice! (Guess I better go put that down on the Good Customer Service UK thread!)
IA: I am going to have at least one, and maybe two, fillings replaced (trying to get to the bottom of the nerve pain from looking at the X-ray). So another appointment week after next.
UP: I should get some of the cost reimbursed from my wee private health cover that I get through work.