IA: Discovered this morning that, despite being told that the project "couldn't afford" to continue paying me (which is why I'm leaving this week), they're interviewing candidates to replace me tomorrow. So, in fact, they can't afford to pay me, they can afford to pay someone else. So much for that "you'll have a stable/secure job here for 2-3 years!" thing I was promised as little as a month before the "sorry, we have no money" thing.
UP: This is my last week! Thank goodness. BF has to remind me not to kill anyone every day, and it's becoming less and less of a joke these days.
UP: At least that saves me the hassle of turning down whatever supposed extension they were going to give me ("just a few days", to add further insult to injury). If they hire a new (probably male) me, then they don't need me any longer. Yay!