UP: I'm finally far enough along in my pregnancy (14 weeks) to attend the ante-natal water aerobics class at my local leisure centre, as per the NHS Highland Obstetric Physiotherapy flier I got when I went for my ultra-sound.
IA: The local leisure centre had no idea what I was talking about as they haven't offered an ante-natal water aerobics class in years. Though I'm not the first person to ask about said class this month.
UP: I went and swam laps anyway and it felt really good. I spent most of the last three months in bed feeling nauseas and it was good to get out and move.
IA: A life-guard kicked me out of the slow lane. I've been swimming there for three years and I've never seen the lane speeds enforced (including times when teenagers have been hanging on the lane lines, not even pretending to swim, in the fast lane) so I always pick lanes by how many people are in it and if I think they're around my speed. The guy in that lane was, I felt, a good match and if he knew how to do flip/tumble turns and didn't keep stopping at the wall, I'm pretty sure it would've been 10-15 laps before I passed him. As it was it took me 6 laps, which is also when a really slow lady joined us and the lifeguard kicked me into the fast lane with a kid who was much faster than me when he bothered to do a lap and a lane-hog the rest of the time. Which is why I didn't get in that lane in the first place. (The Mr Almost-My-Speed got kicked over the other direction into the medium lane, leaving Mrs Heads-up-Breaststroke her own lane.)
UP: Mr Speedy-I-Need-the-Whole-Lane got out about five minutes after that and while another guy got in, he was actually there to swim and had a much stronger grasp on lane etiquette.