Continuing on...
UP: The disposal only took about 5 minutes to fix.
IA: They managed to get my bag of Yankee candles so wet, the bag is ruined, my fabric softener sheets are soaked, the trash bag box had to be thrown away and the bags are now drying, and the floor of the cabinet under the sink had ick water standing in it. Plus, instead of using the utility bucket I have under the sink for cleaning and just such purposes and sink disasters, they used the crock from my crockpot to gather the ick water and take it outside! I told them the bucket was there to use, before they got started.
UP: I have a job, without having to go job hunting. My friend who lives up here mentioned to a guy he knows that I'd be moving up here and looking for a job.
IA: I really wanted the same shift as hubby, so we could actually see each other. I'll be at a convenience store, which is okay. I have done it before. However, the guy said "I don't want girls working overnight because it just isn't safe". While I appreciate the protectiveness, it feels a bit sexist. Someone wanting money bad enough to rob a place is not going to care if it is a man or a woman working. Plus, he will be having me at one of his stores that closes at 10 pm. That tells a potential robber when to show up.. just before closing.
Still, I can work it for now and see how it goes. If he is going to sleep during the day instead of evening, it could be I can find a day shift job and work while he is sleeping, and sleep while he is working.