When I lived in NY and worked for a big bad bank, I had amazing insurance: no deductable, $10 co-pay, could go to out-of-network doctors, and didn't need specialist referrals. Heaven, in other words. I needed surgery at one point, and for the whole shebang, with hospitalization, I was out around $700. And it cost me about $46 a month in premiums.
Once I left that job and went on COBRA, I paid $687-a-month for it. And that's group rate. For one person.
ETA: And here's a thing I usually throw in the teeth of those idiots who call me a socialist commie bastard for being pro-health reform, when I get told I want something for nothing: even though I know most people are not in a position to do so, I'd even be willing to pay that much but I can't find insurance like that on the individual market in NY for anything under twice that in monthly premiums.