We have a condenser dryer, too - we had a combo machine in our first flat and it was absolutely rubbish, so we bought the condenser dryer as soon as we moved from that place. In our old house we stuck it in a corner of the dining room; here, since we only have a tiny galley kitchen and a lounge on the ground floor, we have it in the lounge!
I don't use it to dry all our clothes, though - everything but underwear goes out on the line (I refuse to hang my knickers for the entire neighbourhood to see!), then I usually throw jeans, towels, and anything with an abundance of cat hair in for a quick fluff and tumble once they're dry.
If it's rained for day on end and I absolutely have no other choice, I'll use the dryer for everything - but I definitely split the loads up like Anne does, otherwise one load will take hours!