The extension was for the whole program scope. Everybody get your FBARs in by Thursday!!!
I'm not trying to nitpick, or be especially pedantic, but... the IRS announcement dated September 23 states "The Internal Revenue Service today announced a one-time extension of the deadline for special voluntary disclosures by taxpayers with unreported income from hidden offshore accounts. These taxpayers now have until Oct. 15, 2009."
On the face of it, then, the normal deadline (i.e. June 30 of the year following the year that the account holder meets the $10,000 threshold) still applies to taxpayers who have reported their income in the normal way, income, that is, from accounts that are not "hidden." So, if you sent in your TDF 90-22.1 by the June 30 deadline in 2008, I don't see that you can send it in late by the new October 15, 2009 deadline for 2009...?