I got my fiancee visa (no doubt due in part to all the fabulous help and support from this site) in May and moved to the UK a week later.
On 12 July 2009 hubby and I were married at the Swan Hotel at Newby Bridge in the Lake District. It was a beautiful day that we will cherish forever. We felt so happy to put that official step behind us and know that borders can no longer separate us
To see pictures of our big day check out http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=2279434&id=21002099&l=4a8e040eb0 and http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=2284711&id=21002099&l=c97a27f2b0
Also, if anyone needs wedding planning help/advice please feel free to ask! I did so much planning and research for my UK wedding that it feel like a waste to have it only go to use for one big day