I don't really miss drive-thrus, there aren't any around here at all, but then again, I don't drive, and our life is extremely low-key, so I don't have a reason to miss them. Back in the states, though, you bet your bottom dollar I did - it was exceptionally hot, so who wants to turn off the air conditioner, let your car heat up again and get all sweaty getting back to the car and waiting for the AC to kick in again? (I had a black car, so even worse.) And also, I had a much busier lifestyle with school, work, friends, family, errands and shopping and so forth, and since I spent loads of time in the car, it was just easier.
We do drive to work even though it's only a 10 minute walk to work, but we only get a half hour for lunch and need to walk the dog during the day, so we wouldn't have time to go home to eat or walk the dog if we walked there. I do feel guilty about driving somewhere that is so close by, though. I wouldn't have felt guilty about that in Texas, though, with the heat and the crime in the city.