OMG. Is there a reason I hate my sister?? I emailed her, and let her know I'd just started a blog,was just getting the feel of it, etc. Sent her the link. She emails me back and critiques it. Says to think of it like a resume, employers don't want to read long paragraphs.....WTF?? Why do I ALWAYS forget that she's like this. I emailed her back, and and basically told her to f off. I am NOT applying for a job, that's not the point of a blog, I am NOT trying to impress a potential employer, What is WRONG with her, rather, what's wrong with me, that I always forget that she's like this. GAH! I should've put this in the IA thread. Sorry folks, just had to dump for a sec, what a way to start the day, eh? I'm frickin' in tears now, she upsets me so much. Why do I give her that power.