I just got back from practical test and i did fail.
I failed it for one reason and it was the left around the corner manuouver. I have been practicing it and it was my weak one. I felt like i was dealt with a bad hand. My overall driving was good. 6 minors. When i was told that i failed, i looked at the sheet and the examiner said at one point that i did get a minor for tailgating. She thought i was too close when we stopped at a light. i do know the 2 second rule. She asked me how i thought i should deal with that. I said 1 mississippi 2 mississipi. I did kinda challenge that one. I took it personally because i did not want to be accused of that. That is why i left my first driving teacher because he insult my driving.
Speaking of my ex driving teacher, he was at the test center today with a student of his. That was a bad sign for me. I am just mad for doing your very best and i just could not deliver on the reverse manouver that was asked. I got a great driving test route .
If anyone could share some failed test stories, i love to hear them. Since many people do go on to pass the next time or the third time, what get up motivated in taking lessons or if there was something that you were not good at, how did your driving teacher help you overcome your weakness?
By the way, the lady examiner i had said that i would have passed but i hit the curb and took too long in her opinion to try and fix it. She did not even get my instructor to come and listen to the debrief. I was left in the car and she said thanks for coming and she went back inside the test center. Even my instructor says that there seems to be so much importance on manouvers and i had to do 2. The second i did was at the end of the exam was a reverse bay park and i did that one great, no problem. I had been working on that for the past 6 months.
Love to hear some stories from anyone and get some inspiration. I am back behind the wheel for a lesson on Monday. I am not going to give up.