Can someone help me, please? Although my fiance and I are still going to America to see my family and to NYC for my spousal visa, we now wanted to change our plans and get married here, in the UK, in October. We felt it would be easier this way, to host a small family reception here, and we felt it would be nice for his parents to actually be a part of the ceremony since his Mum is in a wheel chair, and it isn't easy for her to get around.
We both have our plane tickets to go to America in November so that's all taken care of, and we know about making the appointment with the British Consulate so we'll do that as soon as they allow us to book.
My question is, will it be ok if we get married here in the UK in October, but not have the spousal visa till we go back to the USA where I have every intention of getting the visa? I have already paid for it so surely I'll be going there to get what is mine! I want to do things legally and on the up and up, that's why I was asking if our new plans to marry in October will be lawully acceptable. When we are scheduled to return here back to Britain after our stay in America, we will most definitely have the spousal visa in our hands.
But is it still ok and legal for us to be married here in Britain then, the month before we go to America?
Thank you so much for any assistance on this!