Just in case anyone else is curious...
I don't actually have any hiking boots, which would probably be a necessity for climbing around these hills. I'm not sure I should do it in my trainers. What do you more experienced people think? And where is a good place to get hiking boots or shoes here?
You should get a good pair of hiking boots! It's the most important part of your outdoor kit as my hubby says! Plus besides the safety and comfort factor of good boots you also have the waterproof factor (it's bound to rain at some point, and even dew will soak through regular trainers)--nothing worse than walking for hours with squishy wet socks 'n feet!
Also, as Mrs. Robinson noted, you'll prob need boots one size up from your normal size to accomodate for walking down hill (so your toes don't crush up against the front. Plus feet swell a bit when you've been walking.
Def find a good outdoor place to try on loads of different ones. Also, I don't go in for those super-thick hiking socks--too hot, even in winter! Good advice I got given once was to wear your normal socks when trying on boots and hiking in them.
I'm not so sure of brands, etc of boots in the UK--I bet Mrs. Robinson could help there, or my hubby when he comes home from work later.