Congrats on the upcoming anniversary, TM.
I've probably already answered this thread, but it was probably long enough ago that the answers have changed.
One year ago we were looking for flats. I think we'd seen the one we ended up taking by then. I was trying to hold on and try not to get too angry with the inlaws over minor crap that wouldn't matter in the long run.
Five years ago--Still ignorant of the real rules about immigration (had consulted two advisers in the UK at this point), we were waiting for my husband to have a permanent position from his temporary placement in forensics (as he was advised). We were planning our honeymoon (which we didn't take until our fourth anniversary) the next month. Life was looking up as we had more money and were seeing each other every few months, but we were hoping for a huge and positive change right around the corner.
Ten years ago, I was just finishing my first year in a city that I had moved to to be with a guy who dumped me a few months after I moved there. I was taking classes and trying to figure out where I was going with my life. I was dating a guy off and on who I should have never bothered dating. But, that non-relationship lead to the circumstances where I met my husband, so I guess it worked out okay.