I just got my Settlement Visa (yay!) but I had some questions about it.
1: My US Passport was issued in my first married-name (i.e. it's not the name I have now, with my second husband). I was assured that this is not a problem for my UK Visa, and that it's ok to have my visa in my previous name, as long as it matches my passport. So that's fine.
However I noticed on the Visa sticker they list it in this way: "old last name from US Passport" then "first name, middle name, and maiden name". Is it ok that my maiden name is there? It's not on my US passport, they must have stuck it on there from my application information.
2: The passport number matches the visa number, but at the bottom there's a huge long line of numbers and letters, the first part of which is my passport number, followed by "USA", then another series of numbers, then letters and numbers that don't match the equivalent line on the bottom of my passport page.
in other words, it reads: "xxxxxxxxxxUSAxxxxxxxFyyyyyyyyyy". The "yyy" section is the part that doesn't match. Every other part matches. I don't know if that's nothing to worry about. the actual passport number at the beginning is correct.
3: more a curiosity: what does the "VDGBRxxxxxx" mean? that's also at the bottom, second line up from the last line.